Monday, October 30, 2023

Development of the Maglev Focus Fan

Jubal Noel, Verrazzano Class of 2023, completed major in Electrical Engineering BS

The development of the Maglev Focus Fan as a capstone project presented a challenging yet exhilarating experience that stretched my abilities to their limits. My partner, Jediah Noel, and I both share a deep fascination for magnetic levitation technology, and we aimed to revolutionize the conventional household fan by incorporating it into a futuristic design. This project served as an opportunity to apply all the engineering skills I had acquired throughout my academic journey, and it further enabled me to refine my critical thinking capabilities as I navigated through various obstacles.

Throughout the duration of this project, a significant portion of my time was devoted to researching and collating information. Given the limited availability of resources pertaining to our unique project, the process of sourcing relevant data was very challenging. Throughout these obstacles, I was able to acquire a host of practical skills, including the ability to effectively look through technical data sheets, select appropriate integrated circuitry, and synthesize key principles of physics in the realization of a novel design. Though several of my initial ideas regarding magnetic levitation were met with failure, it was ultimately my tenacity and persistence in pursuit of our objectives that drove me forward.

Despite encountering numerous obstacles along the way, I was able to persevere and surmount each challenge. Although we were not able to fully realize every envisioned feature for our fan design, a significant proportion of our original concepts were successfully integrated. Our Maglev Focus Fan leverages cutting-edge magnetic propulsion technology and incorporates several automated features that have the potential to revolutionize conventional household fan design. I am confident that the innovative concepts embodied in this project has the potential to shape the future of the industry in significant ways.

The capstone project proved to be a valuable learning experience that has equipped me for my future professional pursuits. I acquired a lot of skills that are essential to my career. Throughout the project's duration, I was challenged in various ways, but the rewards of overcoming each hurdle facilitated my personal and professional development. Overall, the experience was both challenging and rewarding, and I emerged from it with a newfound sense of confidence in my abilities to make a positive impact in my chosen field.

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