Monday, February 27, 2023

Biochemistry Major Learns Life Lessons Through Research

Anila Fecanji, Verrazzano Class of 2022, completed major in Biochemistry 

My research experience helped me grow professionally and personally in ways that were not possible through traditional lectures and laboratory courses. I am confident that the skills I have learned will be helpful in the long run. I feel more confident in problem-solving and dealing with issues encountered along the way.

Presenting my research at the Undergraduate Research Conference improved my communication skills. I learned to be more comfortable in front of an audience, and answering questions after presenting made these skills even stronger.

Being around motivated students, and exceptionally educated faculty was very motivational. I went to the lab every day and learned to manage the demands of it while also succeeding in my classes. I performed experiments every day to obtain significant results, but there were days when so many things could go wrong, and it was frustrating to see the hard work be unsuccessful. With these hurdles came hidden strengths I discovered about myself. I never thought I would be able to have the will to repeat experiments over and over and to have so much patience. I used to think that new findings were always exciting. I believe that was the force that kept me going.

One other thing that I found about myself was that I was able to adapt to difficult situations, which made me even more motivated to succeed. This experience also taught me how to delve deeper into the subject of interest which I believe made me a critical thinker and unafraid to get help.

I am very thankful I was part of the Verrazzano program and able to complete my capstone project. I thought I had been victorious before in persevering through a challenging time, but this was a new milestone for me. If I had the strength to survive this challenge, then I knew I could achieve anything I put my mind to.
This was taken at the Advanced Imaging Facility at CSI where I stayed for hours trying to acquire images using Leica SP2 AOBS Confocal Microscope

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