Monday, July 22, 2024

Impacts of Overcrowding in the Emergency Room

Julia Calvo, Verrazzano Class of 2024, completed major in Nursing 

Reflecting on the process of working on my capstone, this project has taught me many things about myself. For starters, I learned that I was able to balance and prioritize many tasks throughout the semester. Working as a full-time emergency room nurse, being a full-time college student, and maintaining the process of working on my capstone, I had a lot of balancing to do throughout my last two semesters. I was able to balance work, school, my capstone project, and making time for my friends and family.

During this process there were times where I was overwhelmed or anxious about meeting deadlines. However, this process also showed me that I am determined. When I set goals for myself, I am determined to complete them. Working on my capstone was encouraging as it helped me research a topic that I was captivated by in the emergency room.

As a full-time ER nurse, I see first-hand the issue of overcrowding at the hospital where I work. I see the difficulties that ER nurses experience when trying to provide adequate care for a large ratio of patients and seeing the struggles that the patients experience due to overcrowding.

I think this capstone project gave me the opportunity to investigate reasons why overcrowding occurs in the ER and what can be done to resolve this issue. It also gave me a great opportunity to work with my mentor who is an ER nurse and was my professor for my first semester of nursing school. It was a great to work with Dr. Jennifer Macchiarola to research contributing factors to overcrowding in the ER and to find strategies that can be implemented into ER care.

I believe I benefitted greatly from this project because I learned about strategies that I can implement into my current nursing practice to promote patient satisfaction and help reduce overcrowding. I also believe that nurses and patients can benefit from my research findings on ER overcrowding because it will increase awareness of this global issue and nurses can find ways that can help them deliver quality care to patients. Overall, I believe that this project greatly impacted my career as a nurse. I can apply what I learned to my everyday practice to make a positive impact for nurses and patients.

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