Monday, August 9, 2021

The Stigma of Mental Illness and its Effects

 Arianna DiBenedetto, Verrazzano Class of 2021, completed major in Nursing 

I was very intimidated by the need to complete a “dreaded” capstone project. As a nursing student who was too familiar with studying, and unfamiliar with writing pages of content, the idea of conducting this research project was very daunting. However, despite this fear I found myself satisfied by my capstone project experience because I researched and discussed a topic I am very passionate about.

I remember taking my Mental Health nursing class in the fall of 2019 and enjoying every aspect of it. It fascinated me how the brain works and the different symptoms associated with each disorder. Mental illness is a prevalent condition in society and is no stranger to my family and me. Even though progress has been made in normalizing mental illness and the need for mental health days, there is still a stigma in our society tied to people with mental disorders. Ultimately, my enjoyment of my previous nursing class and personal experience had cultivated my desire to create a capstone project on analyzing this stigma of mental illness.

Before starting my research, I already knew some stigmas associated with mental disorders, such as unpredictability, dangerousness, violence, and laziness; however, I was unaware of the causes of stigmas associated with mental illness and how stigma affects these individuals. For instance, the research has brought to my attention the inaccurate depiction of mental illness in the media. Unbeknownst to me, some favorite Disney films utilize stigmatizing language to their audience, such as “lunatic,” “crazy,” and “mad.” After completing this project, I am more aware of these negative stereotypes portrayed in the media of individuals with mental illness. Furthermore, I was also unaware of the stigmatization people with mental illnesses endure when they seek treatment. Some doctors and other healthcare professionals do not take their symptoms seriously and talk to them in a demeaning manner. This fact in particular, was shocking. Everyone deserves to have high-quality healthcare regardless of condition, and doctors and nurses are required to provide this care.

With my new knowledge from completing my capstone project, as a nurse I intend to advocate for those with mental illness to help reduce the stigma for those who suffer from this misunderstood condition.




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