Monday, June 15, 2020

Studies in Psychopathology

Maria Kelada, Verrazzano Class of 2020, Completed Major in Psychology 
What I enjoyed most, throughout my four years of undergrad, was being a Psychology major. Before choosing Psychology, I explored other options and found that no subject really caught my interest. I discovered that I enjoyed learning about the human mind and behavior during my junior year, when I took Psychopathology. I learned about the development, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of a wide variety of behavioral disorders including anxiety, depressive, personality, and psychotic disorders. One disorder in particular that held my attention was bipolar disorder. I then decided to do research on it for my Verrazzano capstone. The two types of disorders that I studied were bipolar disorder and cyclo-thymic disorder. I researched gender differences in both disorders and found that females are more susceptible to mixed episodes, but also exhibit more depressive symptoms than men.

      This capstone experience was challenging and one of the biggest challenges that I faced while doing research was balancing my time. I had to change my schedule so that I could make time for this project, which took some adjusting, but it worked out in the end. Although this experience was tough, it was definitely rewarding in many ways. I was fortunate enough to work with Dr. Cohen, who supported and guided me along the way during this entire journey. This research project met my expectations, satisfied my fascination and curiosity, and helped me gain knowledge on the field of psychology. I am thankful for being a part of the Verrazzano program because they helped push me out of my comfort zone. Overall, this project has also taught me patience and determination, and it was one of my most valuable experiences.

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