Monday, April 3, 2023

Trust the Process!

Christian Giaimo, Verrazzano Class of 2023, completed major in Corporate Communications and minor in Business Marketing 

Throughout the process of orchestrating and cultivating my final capstone, “Social Media’s Effect on Sports Journalism”, I learned many things. One of the most pivotal things that I grasped was the importance of understanding a process. This process doesn’t necessarily have to be specific to the writing or research/communication process, rather it has to do with the significance of allowing yourself to build upon your ideas over time. Any substantial work needs to be constructed over time, like a complex puzzle. You must allow yourself to make mistakes and then, in turn, use them to aid in growth.

During my development and completion of my capstone, I have done just that. This comes from a place of accepting the task at hand and trusting the process. In more specific terms, this experience allowed me to deep dive into something I am extremely passionate about: sports media. I was able to gain a well-rounded in-depth understanding of the media landscape as a whole, while also focusing on how the past has led to this modern mold of sports journalism through social media.

This project could definitely be developed further if I continued to pursue this research. In theory, I can attack sports media from a larger scale and study how it compares or competes with other industries within the same medium. It would be key to grasping an even more widespread understanding of what exactly goes into the umbrella of social media as a whole.

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