Monday, July 19, 2021

Health Promotion and Education on Type 1 Diabetes

 Alexis LoFaro, Verrazzano Class of 2021, completed major in Nursing 

When it came to picking a subject for my capstone project, I had a challenging time because I was interested in so many different topics. After researching for a while, I decided to focus on health promotion and education regarding Type 1 diabetes.
As a nursing major I have completed multiple clinical rotations. Many of my patients had diabetes and they all required knowledge of their disease’s process, monitoring their blood glucose, proper insulin administration, and lifestyle modifications such as their diet. As a nurse, patient education is a critical part of our job in order to promote healthy lifestyles in our patients and empowering them to be invested in taking care of themselves.
After learning about the Verrazzano requirements as a freshman, I was hopeful that I would complete my capstone project in a timely manner, and that I would get it done sooner rather than later. Fast-forward four and a half years, and I’m in my last semester earning my BS in Nursing, and nowhere near being on track as I had planned to be. Between the heavy coursework from online classes and working part time, my stress levels were extremely high, but I made it!
From this research, I learned the importance of monitoring blood glucose and administering proper amounts of insulin in order to prevent the serious complication of diabetic ketoacidosis. I learned the importance of monitoring the HbA1c levels, the different signs and symptoms associated with Type 1 diabetes, the education needed for parents whose child has been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and the different dietary modifications that are necessary. The information that I’ve gathered from my research will help me improve the lives of my patients who have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. 



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