Monday, August 19, 2019

Engineering Internships Prove Enlightening

Michael Pataffi, Verrazano Class of 2019, earned a degree in Engineering and a mathematics minor.

Michael (right) with fellow interns
I had the opportunity to intern with R.G. Vanderweil Engineers and it was very beneficial to me. I learned a lot and experienced even more. 

My internship was helpful twofold. On one hand, the concepts I learned through school helped me at my internship, as I would understand what to do work-wise in my internship. On the other hand, working with things firsthand at the internship helped me understand concepts I would learn in upcoming semesters in school. So, not only did school help me throughout my internship, but my internship also helped me with school. 

Understanding the working environment of my future field was probably the most important thing I have learned throughout the summer. I would advise students of any other major to intern for a company or business in their selective field. Not only will you learn much more about your major, but you will also learn much about the industry as a whole, and the experience you get is more beneficial than any class you can take. 

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