My name is Dominic
Provenzano and I’m a junior Media Studies major in the College of Staten
Island. I am a member of The Verrazano School, and I am currently participating
in a Verrazano Enrichment Project/Course Substitution in order to fulfill my graduation requirements
within the program.

As part of the Verrazano enrichment project, I am also working with Dr. Anderson
on one of his own projects. Throughout the next few weeks I will be studying
New York newspapers from 1800-1850 and I will be looking for evidence of
plagiarism within the newspapers. This will give me a sense of how media has
evolved and changed in the past few centuries and will help to improve my
research capabilities.
Aside from my
student life at the College of Staten Island, I work at Royal Crown Bakery as a
barista and will be interning at Hungry Man Studios in the fall. I am also an
avid lover of music and play a few instruments, including guitar, bass, and
ukulele. I perform almost every weekend with my cover band Cause and the
Effects in Staten Island bars and New York and New Jersey fundraiser benefits.
I also enjoy playing with my puppy Harrison, collecting vinyl records, reading,
watching, and studying the world of Game of Thrones, and long walks on the
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