Monday, June 17, 2024

Christina Testa, Verrazzano Class of 2024, completed major in Nursing

My capstone journey focused on strategies that healthcare teams could implement to promote HPV and cervical cancer screenings in lesbian and bisexual women. It has been a rewarding experience that has allowed me to uncover the pressing need for tailored healthcare initiatives for this patient population.

Learning about vulnerable populations such as the LGBTQ+ community in nursing classes has always felt limited and generalized, and sparked my interest in delving more into this topic. Having the privilege of working alongside my mentor Dr. Marianne Jeffreys for over two semesters, I learned so much about this population and myself as well, as an LGBTQ+ individual, that I will carry on with me throughout the rest of my nursing career.

Navigating through the literature has uncovered promising initiatives for promoting screenings in lesbian and bisexual women under the domains of clinical practice, health care provider education, patient education, administration and policy, and research. Not only has reviewing the literature expanded my knowledge of healthcare disparities, but it has instilled a sense of purpose and responsibility.

This project represents a culmination of hard, diligent work that has taught me how to communicate effectively with others and manage my time, which are important aspects of nursing care. In addition to taking classes, completing this project has been challenging, but through communication with Dr. Jeffreys, we were able to create a timeline that best fit my schedule while still remaining actively dedicated to it.

If I were to pursue further development of this project, I’d love to gather real accounts from LGBTQ+ patients about their healthcare experiences and any barriers they are currently facing.

One thing I would say about working on the project is that it did not feel like a chore. I take pride in what I’ve uncovered and accomplished now that it is complete, and have learned what it feels like to be involved in something that fulfills such a glorious sense of purpose. I was not working on my capstone to complete a requirement; I was compelled to gain empathy, compassion, and confidence when caring for and interacting with LGBTQ+ patients, so that I am better able to promote a sense of comfort and acceptance for them in the healthcare field. The insights gained have paved the way for personal growth in my life, strengthening my desire to work with a wide array of women in the future as a labor and delivery nurse.

Achievement of a goal takes commitment, which is something I accomplished while working on my project. With this experience of commitment, I now realize I can achieve any goal in nursing by putting my all into it. As I begin the next chapter of my professional journey, I will carry with me these lessons learned, relationships fostered, and a commitment to championing health equity for all through advocacy and inclusivity in my nursing care.


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