Monday, July 10, 2023

Researching ASD and Childhood Vaccinations

Kayla Le, Verrazzano Class of 2023, completed major in Biology with a minor in Music

Throughout my research experience, I learned an abundance of information that I was not aware of prior to beginning my research. Completing this project allowed me to gain insight on autism and factors relating to the condition, which is connected to my personal life. Clarity can be spread on the subject, as many people do not know of the signs and symptoms that a person may present.

The topic that was discussed in my project was the mechanism behind autism spectrum disorder, known as ASD, as well as the vaccination stigma that is connected with the condition. As I was searching for scientific journals and articles, it did not surprise me that there were numerous pieces of literature to support the neuronal pathway and components that occur in an individual with ASD, as opposed to someone that does not have it.

One of the main reasons why I decided to focus on this topic was because my younger sister has ASD and I already had a general understanding of the concept growing up with her. Many people often fail to recognize or admit that ASD can sometimes not be apparent immediately unless the individual is taken to a medical professional and properly diagnosed. However, I also wanted to provide information on this subject regarding vaccinations since parents are afraid of immunizing their children since they have this belief of childhood immunizations such as MMR, can cause the condition to surface in children under the age of 2. There have been multiple literature reviews that refute the claim that childhood vaccinations have a connection with ASD and that it is a means of genetics.

It is important for people to be educated on this subject in general so that they know what to expect for someone that possesses ASD. Along with being provided all this information, conducting this research has brought me closer to my sister as it brought a sense of appreciation for everything that she had to endure as she was growing up with various doctor’s appointments and medications. Allowing individuals to become aware of ASD will bring more unity in the community and open a door for individuals with other developmental disabilities.

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